Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The Sun Hotel

This is a three star Hotel; The Sun Hotel is the biggest hotel in town located in Jalan Pahlawan, the access from here to Surabaya or to the Juanda International Airport can be reach easily through Sidoarjo-Surabaya Toll High Way. Side by side of the Hotel can be found the shopping mall, water boom complex etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hotel nya bagus, sebelah nya ada waterboom, namun di dalam hotel juga tersedia kolam renang yang lebih kecil.
    Untuk reservasi juga spt nya agak minim, banyak agen travel yang nggak connect. Saya terakhir pakai 1001malam.com (http://www.1001malam.com/hotel/sun-hotel/sidoarjo/458), harganya lebih miring dikit, namun lebih cepat terlayani.
